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07 Jul

Mobile Optimization Over Desktop Optimization

In this era of digitization, where people are fixated with i-gadgets and smart techs, you can’t hold onto old convention in terms of digital marketing to woo your viewers....

28 Jun

Video Content to Overtake Written Content

The growing obsession with visual content, particularly video content, has triggered this perception of video overtaking written content. However, the significance of written element has still not waned and...

12 May

Importance of High quality content

Significance of quality of your content is crucial while you dream of getting your site to the top zone of search engines. No matter how big or small is...

08 Apr

Balancing User Experience and SEO during website designing

“Focus on the user, and else will follow”, said Google. This advice emerges as an essential guide as we brainstorm possible ways to balance between SEO and user experience....

15 Mar

Using Social Media for Increasing E-Commerce Website Conversion

Social media and E-commerce are two different things. Off late social media has become the most powerful tool for winning the battle for E-commerce companies. Social media offers a...

18 Jul

Content Marketing in the Age of Social Media

Content Marketing has never been as highly rated as it is today and it is not a surprise, given the speed at which it travels. Content in its simplest...

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