15 Mar

Using Social Media for Increasing E-Commerce Website Conversion

Social media and E-commerce are two different things. Off late social media has become the most powerful tool for winning the battle for E-commerce companies. Social media offers a web based platform to increase the brands digital presence in the market and get connected to a larger customer base. Presence on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs and forums are few platforms is important as it connects you directly to your customers. It not only increases the brand reputation but also creates awareness of what the customer requires.  Through “likes”, “share”, tweets or comments, a company will know where they stand in the eyes of the customer.

Social network profile is equally important as a stores display and ambiance. The content and the posts will act as the product quality. Companies can not only share the latest happenings within their company but also inform customers about any particular cause they are involved in. This will interest the customers and the followers are more likely to share the business with family and friends. The more the followers a company has through social media, the better the exposure they get, as people share the business with others. It also helps to target specific demographic segment and the company gets to choose the group to whom the page shown be shown to. In other words, it helps to target the potential customers. Social media will give a platform to reach a larger population which will not be possible with a newspaper or poster ads.

Having a conversation is the best way to extract information from the customers about what they are looking for. Involvement of customers is what keeps them attracted to the company. Social media acts as a hearing aid for the customers where they write down their suggestions and desires. By fulfilling those needs, company builds trust in the customers and encourages repeat purchases. A loyal customer is what every company is looking at and social media helps to do that.

Pages like Your Yelp, LinkedIn and many more provides a good opportunity in creating a good impression, if optimized properly. It is not only about just filling these pages with content but demonstrating value and validating the marketing strategies. Instead of updating the information about the product, companies like Sony, Samsung can take advantage of this platform and demonstrate the picture quality and features. Promotions and offers exclusively on such pages will get a larger and loyal customer base. It will further tend to increase the web traffic.

For web businesses, effective social marketing represents the real value. Just creating a page isn’t enough, it is important to monitor and keep a close check on it regularly. Studies have shown that customers want reply for their complaint within 24 hours. So it provides you a base where they can clarify misconceptions and help aid potential customers. Many e-commerce companies are now utilizing remarketing in order to direct the customers to their web page through means of advertising on social media.

Sources: www.syntelmedia.in

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