07 Jul

Mobile Optimization Over Desktop Optimization

In this era of digitization, where people are fixated with i-gadgets and smart techs, you can’t hold onto old convention in terms of digital marketing to woo your viewers. Mobile is the device of all solution for people now, and usability of mobiles is only going to expand further. So to keep up with the latest trend and demand, we need to optimize our website for mobiles.

Gone are those days when we strictly relied upon our desktop for any web information or task. The present era is for mutitaskers and technology has also advanced with time to cater to its demand and choices. Starting from a business owner to a house wife, each of them finds a mobile devise handy to execute their individual tasks. Even all important sectors, starting from banking sector to ecommerce have enabled their user to finish their work through their mobiles. Earlier this year, report’s been published on Google’s announcement of mobile search overtaking desktop queries.

As mobile accessibility increases, the demand for varied range of information also speeds up. Web designers are on continuous process to explore new concepts to fit in all form of information in that small device. The latest challenge is to optimize all information for mobile user without any hindrance, ‘cause one small glitch can cost you a customer.

So, here are few key points that you may find interesting while planning a strategy for mobile optimization:

Understanding the need of your mobile user: Before we start off with the designing concept we must understand the need and priority of our mobile users. Desktop users usually are at a more relaxed paced than the mobile users. The mobile users use their mobile on the go and they won’t spare any additional time for buffer, click-on or ‘click-to-continue’ options. We need to understand that they are the seeker of instant information. So sleeker and faster it is, the better for you. They want your page to load quickly after their search. Also, making your site mobile-compatible is very important. It will be extremely inconvenient for them to search things on a site with desktop view. Hence, having a mobile site for user is crucial.

Making the most of mobile technology: You can woo your mobile visitor is by utilizing GPS and offering amazing features to your visitor. Making the best use of mobile technology can help you stay ahead in competition and gain attention of your visitor, staying up-to-date.

Emphasizing search option: Making your search option accessible and prominent on your mobile site is very important. Search option is a key feature for mobile user and enhancing the prominence of this feature on your site will help them find right information quickly. Ensure the search option operates properly.

Look and feel: When your visitor lands in to your mobile site they must not feel like lost or blinded with jazzy images. It should be a simple and easy to navigate site with right information placed at the right place. People don’t have time to scroll for all day, neither will they appreciate a click-on filled page once they land. So help them find the right information that they need first and then you can channelize your further information on a following page or additional bar.

Conversion rule: The key point in conversion optimization is to ask for what is necessary. Don’t burden them with unnecessary questions or inputs if it’s really not required for track record. Remember always, less is more.

Sources: www.syntelmedia.in

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